New Netflix Documentary Avoids the Why in Favor of the “Who Killed Malcolm X?”

By largely ignoring questions of “why” he was killed the new Netflix documentary “Who Killed Malcolm X?” largely ignores the important politics and ideas that made Malcolm X a symbol to this day of international revolutionary struggle. REFERENCED ITEMS: A Lie of Reinvention: Correcting Manning Marable’s Malcolm X The Unlucky 13th: Liberalizing the Extreme Defining…

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Russell Simmons Still Ain’t Hip-Hop and He Ain’t No Occupier Either!

The experience of the last five weeks shows that Wall Street “occupiers’ fear of liberal co-optation is fully justified.” Media mogul and debit card finance capitalist Russell Simmons escorted Kanye West and Al Sharpton into the Zuccotti Park occupation mix, in yet another attempt “by the soft liberal Left to co-opt anything that has any…

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