Dhoruba bin-Wahad: A 20th Century Nat Turner Challenges Criticism of Birth of a Nation

Dhoruba bin-Wahad, formerly of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army, also a former political prisoner, talks about his criticism of one of our previous interviews regarding Birth of a Nation. His is a critique from the perspective of one who himself engaged in armed rebellion and one who is concerned with the intellectual and academic treatment of histories with which they (we) are not properly engaged or about which they (we) are not properly informed.

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Black August, Hip-Hop and Political Symbolism

Prison has long been central to the maintenance of a racial, social and class structure in the United States. Prisons are used like society’s credit card. Societal contradictions which generate enormous wealth and inequality are masked by mass incarcerating those forcibly removed as a result just as credit cards mask the contradiction of stagnant wages for labor and enormous production of goods, services and wealth for bosses and owners. Thus, prisons, jails and their captives (both real and employed) are everywhere.

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The Unlucky 13th: Liberalizing the Extreme

The Unlucky 13th: Liberalizing the ExtremeJared A. Ball originally for imixwhatilike.org “Fuck everyone.  Burn everything.” – De La Soul, “Lord Intended,” The Anonymous Nobody My initial reaction to seeing 13th was that it puts very establishment thinkers and analyses to issues, histories and conditions which need radical, revolutionary, extreme responses.  13th may make a few obligatory…

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