URGENT CALL ALERT for Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

URGENT CALL ALERT Prisoner Name: Kevin “Rashid” Johnson #158039 DETAILS Kevin “Rashid” Johnson (#158039) wrote an article about the Florida prison strike, which was published online on January 9, 2018. The following day warden Barry Reddish retaliated against Kevin’s use of his First Amendment rights, ordering that he be given a disciplinary infraction for “inciting a riot”. Further, on…

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Comrade Malik in Texas stands in Solidarity with the Hunger Strikers at the Allred Unit in Iowa Park, Texas

By Keith ‘Malik’ Washington Revolutionary Greetings Comrades! There is a hunger strike going on right now at the Allred-Ad-Seg Unit which is located in Iowa Park, Texas. There is a High Security Unit in Iowa Park, Texas and my comrade and fellow IWOC member Xinachtili also known as Alvaro Luna Hernandez is housed there. A…

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