New Netflix Documentary Avoids the Why in Favor of the “Who Killed Malcolm X?”

By largely ignoring questions of “why” he was killed the new Netflix documentary “Who Killed Malcolm X?” largely ignores the important politics and ideas that made Malcolm X a symbol to this day of international revolutionary struggle. REFERENCED ITEMS: A Lie of Reinvention: Correcting Manning Marable’s Malcolm X The Unlucky 13th: Liberalizing the Extreme Defining…

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The Revolution On Your Momma’s Coffee Table: Lerone Bennett Jr., Black Power, Pan-Africanism and the Schizophrenia of Ebony Magazine, 1966-1976

It’s September 1966, and the regular reader of Ebony gets the sinking feeling that its jali, Lerone Bennett Jr., is a little disconcerted. In the article, the magazine editor and history book author is in a vehicle zooming along in South Carolina at 70 mph by Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee chairman Stokely Carmichael, and a…

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