Dhoruba bin-Wahad: A 20th Century Nat Turner Challenges Criticism of Birth of a Nation

Dhoruba bin-Wahad, formerly of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army, also a former political prisoner, talks about his criticism of one of our previous interviews regarding Birth of a Nation. His is a critique from the perspective of one who himself engaged in armed rebellion and one who is concerned with the intellectual and academic treatment of histories with which they (we) are not properly engaged or about which they (we) are not properly informed.

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Fred Hampton, Jr. Discusses Malcolm Shabazz, Now-Intelpro and More

Malcolm Latif Shabazz was the son of Qubilah Shabazz, the second daughter of Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz. He was the first male descendant of Malcolm X. October 8, 2016 would have been his 32nd birthday. Fred Hampton, Jr., Chairman of the Prisoners of Conscience Committee (POCC) / Black Panther Cubs (BPPC), joined us to briefly discuss the work, life and what he calls the “assassination” of his long-time friend and comrade Malcolm Shabazz.

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