BREAKING (NON-) NEWS: Attention, Mumia! No Reading (About the Young Lords Party) Allowed!

Why could Mumia Abu-Jamal receive books on Death Row in the 1980s, 1990s and 00s but is severely restricted in his ability to receive books in 2020, even though he is in general population? In the Acknowledgements section of Johanna Fernandez’s new book, The Young Lords: A Radical History (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina…

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Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Redux

As he completes his magnum opus trilogy on the American empire, Abu-Jamal revisits two of his books Commentary by Todd Steven Burroughs On this Wednesday night commemorating the 50th anniversary of Panther blood spilled, Mumia Abu-Jamal awaits the spring publication of the third and final volume of Murder Incorporated: Empire, Genocide, Manifest Destiny. Meanwhile, he…

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BOOK REVIEW: Mumia Abu-Jamal And His Film Biographer Detail, And Damn To Hell, America’s Eternal War Machine

Murder Incorporated: Empire, Genocide and Manifest Destiny. Book Two: America’s Favorite Pastime. Mumia Abu-Jamal and Stephen Vittoria. Foreword by S. Brian Wilson, Afterword by David Swanson. Prison Radio, 504 pp. $27. By Todd Steven Burroughs WHO KNEW THAT Superman was once an anti-war socialist? In Superman No. 1, published by DC Comics in 1939, the…

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