Are Blackness and Pan-Africanism Relevant In the Age of Chadwick Boseman?

Blacklash: The Africana Collective (BTAC) was set to discuss next the relevance today of Blackness and Pan-Africanism as organizing tools for the Africana Diaspora. Given the untimely passing of one of the world’s most famous members of that African Diaspora, and in particular, given how much Chadwick Boseman impacted directly and indirectly so many of…

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Millennials Are Killing Capitalism and the #MOBP

From the good folks at Millennials Are Killing Capitalism: In this episode, we interview Morgan State University and Media Studies Scholar Jared Ball. Ball is the creator of and the author of I Mix What I Like! A Mixtape Manifesto. He is also the co-editor of A Lie of Reinvention: Correcting Manning Marable’s Malcolm…

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