Introduction: The Current Situation

Right now, in America, we observe a significant influence of large corporations on moribund political processes. This influence often overshadows the voices of ordinary citizens and skews policies towards the interests of the wealthy elite. Coupled with the rise of fascist ideologies, e.g. MAGA Popularism and White Evangelical Ethno-Jingoistic Nationalism, anti-migrant racist popularism, U.S. Militarized Diplomacy abroad and Militarized Policing at home, all of which are authoritarian and oppressive.  This environment has and is evolving into the basis for Modern Fascism that require a Broad based Popular United Front to champion and advance the interests of poor and middle-class working peoples.

What is Fascism and Why is it a Imperative threat to Working Class Democracy and the Enemy of Working People – Particularly People of Color in the United States?

Fascism is a far-right authoritarian, jingoistic (ultranationalist) political ideology  and movement characterized by dictatorial leader, employing centralized autocratic institutions, militarism, and forcible suppression of opposition, as well as belief in a natural social hierarchy (in the case of America, White Supremacy) and requires subservience of individual Rights for the perceived good of the “nation” or “race”. It is reinforced with strong Educational regimentation of society and the Corporate-Government control of economy. Finally, Fascism has evolved and now has the added veneer of “democracy” or institutionalization of a counterfeit voting system alternative for majority rule, In the U.S., Fascism now assumes a new Dimension – Democratic Fascism.

What is an Anti-Fascist and Anti-Racist United Front?:

The Anti-Fascist United front is a Political and Social  initiative whereby Progressive Organizations: Pro-Democracy Formations, Human Rights Advocates, Religious and Non-Religious Organizations that adhere to Liberation Theology (Spiritual and Material emancipation from Oppression), those Social Activists who oppose Class Exploitation, Advocate’s for Pan-African and Black Nationalist Independence and Black Liberation and for Capitalist Reparations, Supporters against Sexist and Patriarchal Domination of Women and Discrimination against National Minorities, in whole or in Part, all workers belonging to different unions;   All are uniting against a common Enemy:  Fascism, White Supremacy, Militarized Police Terrorism, Imperialism, and Capitalist Corporate Control of the duopoly Political System, Democratic Fascism

Historical Context and Why It Matters today:


When the BPP made the call to Progressive, Revolutionary, and even Traditionally Left Parties and Black Nationalist Formations to Unify in the face of a common threat, it was clear to the BPP that the rise of “Democratic” Fascism at that time transcended sectarian differences. The late sixties was a culmination of decade long civil Unrest. A time in America when its ruling Political and Military establishment was under enormous pressure from the Civil Rights and anti- Vietnam War Movements and the White Youth led Counter-Culture movement to change the very nature of American Society.  Taken aback by Mass calls for radical change, White America’s political elite had yet to consolidate Right Wing racist pushback to the Democratic demands assailing America’s White Supremacist construct. The Black Panther Party recognized this historical moment for what it was – an opportunity to consolidate the progressive forces in America, Black, White, Yellow and Brown, in order to bring about radical and long lasting meaningful change. 

So in 1969 the BPP call for a United Front envisioned a political program representing the “poor, black, oppressed workers and people of America”, to implement strategies for community control of policing, demand the release of political prisoners, and the expulsion of the military from colleges and university campuses, as well as building community self-defense structures. 

 Six-thousand to seven-thousand people responded to the call, including members of the Communist Party USA,[3] the Peace and Freedom Party,[4] the Progressive Labor Party,[3][4] the Red Guard Party,[4] the Southern Christian Leadership Conference,[3] Students for a Democratic Society (SDS),[3][4][5] the Third World Liberation Front,[3][4] the Young Lords,[3][4] the Young Patriots Organization,[3][4] the Young Socialist Alliance[4] and various groups associated with the women’s liberation movement.[4]  The only formations that were conspicuously absent, were narrow Black Cultural Nationalists, Messianic Black Religious Sects,  and the Black anti-Poverty Pimps from LBJ’s “War On Poverty” and  groups such as the National Urban League.  With the exception of Dr. Kings SCLC,  the Black Middle Class Clergy, and Black Groups funded by White endowments as well as neo-Liberal Black elected Officials (the early Black Comprador Class) who would, by the early 1970s, become supporters of Crime Bills and repressive Drug Legislation that would explode America’ Prison Population with Black Flesh.

The idea of a revolutionary political anti-fascist united front has roots in historical movements that opposed oppressive regimes. The concept is nothing new. Anti-fascism is about standing against authoritarianism, racism, and the suppression of dissent. Similarly, many revolutionary movements throughout history have pushed back against the undue influence of powerful elites, striving for a more equitable society.”

Defining the United Front

A United front Against Fascism is a principled alliance of groups against their common enemies.”A united front, in this context, refers to various groups and individuals coming together to form a coalition or alliance. This coalition would include people from different backgrounds and political ideologies who share common goals, but with a core value of resisting fascist ideologies and reducing corporate dominance in politics. By uniting, they can amplify their voices and work towards practical solutions.”

Objectives of the United Front

1. Promote a  National Unified Progressive, anti-racist, anti-fascist Working Class Democracy and introduce Economic Social Equity

   – Ensuring that political power is more equitably distributed among citizens rather than concentrated in two corporate proxy Political Parties.

   – Enhancing poor and working Peoples participation in democratic processes.

2. Combat Fascism:

   – Actively resisting authoritarian and fascist rhetoric, and repressive legislation and Militarized Racist Police actions.

   – Promoting values of freedom, equality, and justice.

3. Regulate Corporate Influence:

   – Implementing policies to reduce corporate contributions to political campaigns.

   – Curtailing the U.S. Military Industrial Complex and Economic reliance on War for Profit

   – Supporting regulations to limit Corporate lobbying power and ensure that policy decisions benefit the majority.

One Comment

  1. Great idea, Dhoruba, resurrecting the United Front Against Fascism. Unfortunately it probably won’t be seriously considered by most of the left until Trump takes power again. If Genocide Joe wins, many people, esp., liberals, will maintain that a united front is unnecessary.

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