Adolph Reed, Jr and Black Lives Matter returns to discuss his critique of #BlackLivesMatter in light of recent and very public criticism of the leadership coming from grassroots organizers within affiliated chapters. Adolph Leonard Reed Jr. was (until his retirement in 2019) an American Marxist professor emeritus of political science at the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in studies of issues of…

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Advertising and Black Politics NOTE I am not sure where I got the connection between Netflix and the Black Economic Alliance. I think I confused their “Black Economic Development initiative…” as BEA and would have only been more confused by the incredible similarity of approach which does speak to the larger point intended here. The initiative from Netflix:…

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Book Review: Ron Walters, Power Man

Ronald W. Walters and the Fight for Black Power, 1969-2010. Robert C. Smith. State University of New York Press, 354 pp., $34.95. Reviewed by Todd Steven Burroughs Dr. Ronald Walters presenting at the “Africana @ 40” Conference in 2010 at the Africana Studies and Research Center at Cornell University [dzs_video source=”″ config=”imwil skin” autoplay=”off” cue=”off”…

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